Monday, November 24, 2014

Minority Report(PG-13)

Can you imagine a world where all murders where stopped before they could happen? This is the world of Minority Report. Starring our little scientologist Tom Cruise, this very unique film starts with some camera shots of a place called the Pre-Crime division. Where the the precogs( I think that is how I'm supposed to spell it) help stop crime by showing images that will happen in the future. The people at Pre-crime use those images to figure out where the events are going to happen. They then get to the site somehow and stop the crime from happening. They then put the person(s) who where going to commit the murder in something called a halo, that I think puts you into suspended animation. I am not 100% sure of this however, so I will say no more about it. Minority Report is the story of one particular cop who ends getting accused of murder through this system. Since I haven't said this already, it takes place in the year 2054. It has a lot of really great action sequences mixed with plenty of comedy. I would suggest it to any action movie lover. Out of 10 stars, I would give it 9 and a half.

It's at a park!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


My Dad went out to see this movie when it came out because he wanted to see a bad movie. Well, when he came out of the theater, he and his friend Dave where silent. Then, Dave said: "Ya know, that was actually a pretty good movie. They both agreed on that. I had been wanting to see it for a while, and I finally got to. I was surprised, it wasn't cheesy. It was funny, and gory, and violent, but in all, it was a really good movie. But enough talk, on with the plot. A Detroit police officer named Alex Murphy gets one of his arms blown off and a lot of his body shot up bye criminals. He dies. And suddenly he is back in a robotic suit. Most of him is gone, but some of his old self remains, will the memories of his old life come through and stop him from following the regulations? But enough of that, on with the quote!

Dead or alive, your coming with me.
Peter Weller as RoboCop.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Day of the Doctor(TV Movie)

Is there anyone reading this post who likes Doctor Who? If you do, then this is the perfect movie for you! If you do not like Doctor Who, then stop reading right here. Go watch Doctor Who Tv Series first. Anyway, this was a movie made to celebrate 50 years of Doctor Who. They gathered all the Doctor Who Actors they could find(Some of the old ones are dead), and gave three of them a big part.(Those three where Matt Smith(Current Doctor), David Tennant(The Doctor before him), and John Hurt(Who was never a Doctor but the actor they where looking for was dead so they offered the job John Hurt). What ends up happening is all three of them end up in the same p;ace at the same time. This causes some interesting things to happen when they all step into the same T.A.R.D.I.S.
I will not tell you anymore accept that they have to save London from aliens again(That happens a lot in Doctor Who. London is the Tokyo of Doctor Who)

The Doctor(Matt Smith): One of them is a Zygon eh?
The Doctor(David Tennant): Yes.
The Doctor(Matt Smith): I won't judge you.

Matt Smith(Below)                                                                   David Tennant(Below)

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Pacific Rim(PG-13)

Who doesn't like an overly produced bad(but still enjoyable!) Sci-Fi movie? Ok, a lot people. But anyway, Pacific Rim is film about giant Sea Monster called Kaiju, and giant robots called Jagers(Kaiju is Japenese for Sea Monster and Jager is German for hunter. No surprise there). Anyway, the Kaiju came out of the Pacific ocean and began attacking towns on the pacific rim(Hence the name Pacific Rim). Humans needed a better weapon to fight the Kaiju, the started the Jager program. The neural lode of controlling a Jager with one person(They are controlled through a  system in which your brsin is connected to the mechanical parts directly.) would cause Ebola on speed. They did not want that whenever they went out to fight the giant ocean beasts(Also know as Kaiju) so they created a system where two people could control them together. But when the Jager program was canceled, how are the humans going to defend themselves?
And now; For the picture!

A Jager not doing so well...

Thursday, May 15, 2014


Have you read any of the original Ian Flemming James Bond books? If you haven't at least heard of them, then you will nor enjoy this movie. James Bond seams much more real in this film, he has an alcohol problem. Yet, he still manages to do all the stuff he does. He get's beaten up more, he isn't a crack shot, he doesn't incredible luck with the ladies, he doesn't always win. This I would have to say is my favorite James Bond movie I have ever seen because of those things. I could go into excruciating detail about the sheer awesomeness of this movie but I don't want to waste your time (More then I already have). So on with the quote!

M:Orphans always make the best recruits.

Quantom of Solace(PG-13)(007)

What the heck happened in this movie?! After watching the entire two hour film, I still don't know what the plot was. All there are in this movie are some good assorted chase scenes. That's all. So there isn't going to all that much to this review. I'm going to try to explain what happened in this film:
BOAT CHASE!!!!!!!*

That pretty much somes it up. If you like what is listed above(Which I personally do), then this will be your next favorite movie.

*These scenes do not happen in that order.

I <3 explosions!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Casino Royale(PG-13)(007)

Ah, James Bond. Casino Royale is the first of the James Bond films Daniel Craig, who in my opinion
the best James Bond so far. When the young James Bond becomes 007, he decides to track a bomb maker and ends up killing a bunch of people. Oops. M wasn't so happy about that so before he did that again, she gives him a mission. He goes to a nice beach, kicks some butt, and plays cards. He is sent to the Casino Royale, where M found out that there was going to be a large poker tournament. When I say large, I mean the bets when past $1,000,000. I know I wouldn't play with that much at stake for two reasons: I suck at poker, and I don't have the money. M also found out that there was a Terrorist organization that was running out of money, and the only way they could continue to exist was to win the poker tournament. So M tells Bond that he is to enter the tournament and win. If he doesn't, they would be directly funding Terrorism. I think M wanted Bond to have mission where he won't kill anyone unless he absolutely has to. Which he does, of course, end up having to do. I have one warning though, there is a brief seen of torture. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Good movie aside from that(How was the play aside from that Mrs. Lincoln?).
 Jame Bond: I thought that taking out one bomb maker would be a good first mission.
M: One bomb maker Bond? It was a more like one bomb maker three hundred guards!

James Bond( Daniel Craig).

Monday, April 7, 2014

Blade Runner

Blade Runner is a Cyberpunk movie about a man who goes by Decker(Harrison Ford). Blade Runners are told to seek out Replicants, which are man made humans pardon the pun. They where becoming sentient, realizing that they where slaves. After a bloody mutiny, they had a termination date. They only lived for four years. This would be a problem, if they weren't created as adults. Even that didn't stop the mutiny's. So the use of Replicants forbidden. The remaining Replicants where banished from earth and knowing that would want revenge, the government deployed the Blade Runners, who the right, if they saw a Replicant, to shoot and kill them. Back to Decker, he is called back into service because they needed his expertise. He is reluctant, because he does not like killing. But they threaten him so he comes back into service. They movie is about his adventures. Another good action movie, I suggest it to anyone who likes Cyberpunk.

They don't advertise for killers in the news paper.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The Shawshank Redemption(R)

The Shawshank redemption is the story of two prisoners: Andy Dufresne, and Ellis (Red) Redding. Andy in because he is falsely accused of the murder of his Wife, and Red because they know that he murdered his wife. When Andy(Tim Robbins) first comes to the prison, Red(Morgan Freeman) bets four packs of cigarettes on him.(They where betting on who they would thought would cry first during they night. It's as good a thing as any to bet on when you're in prison, I guess.) That night, Andy didn't make a sound. I read the Stephen King novella, Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption, so I will criticize every little detail that was different. I think it was a good movie. But be warned, there is some very adult material involving the Sisters. Anyone who has been in prison(Or seen this movie for that matter) will know what I am talking about. I suggest this movie to anyone who likes a good prison movie.

There's got to be a con like me in every federal prison. I'm the guy who can get it for you. Tailor made Cigarettes, ...  a bottle of brandy to celebrate your sons or daughters High School graduation. Anything thing within reason that is.
       The word from the book refers to a drug, so I'm not going to reference it. 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Firefly(TV series)

Probably the most epic of epic TV shows, Firefly is a Sci-Fi Series about the crew of the Firefly class ship Serenity. The crew are a series of misfits who feel the need to be pirates. The Captain, Malcolm Reynolds, was a Sergent during the war of the Brown Coats. He was on the side of the Brown Coats, which meant that he was an enemy of the Alliance. The Alliance is a government that has control over most of the galaxy. Whether there stealing or fighting Reavers, Firefly is a TV show for the Archive.

The name's Mal Reynolds, and I hear that you have some cargo that needs transfer.

Sunday, March 23, 2014


One of the best movies I have seen in a while, Gravity tells the story of Dr. Ryan Stone(who is a women so don't get confused bye her name.) Who is out seemingly routine space walk. Dr. Stone is a mechanical genius so NASA asked her to do some work on the Hubble Telescope which was damaged for some reason that they don't mention. NASA makes a transmission and says that the Russians had been trying a new rocket and had hit there own satellite. They said it wasn't a problem but, sure enough, it quickly becomes one. All members of the crew are killed accept for Dr. Stone and another guy who the name of I can't remember but he's played George Clooney so he quite funny from time to time. I think that pretty much raps up the review/summery of Gravity. I don't want to spoil the movie so I'll leave it here. Leave suggestions for movie you think I should review.

Your gonna make it.


How funny does it get?! AIRPLANE! combines  a sappy love movie with airline disaster. It would have been rated PG-13 if it where made later. It's not bloody or gross at all, just EXTREMELY funny. I can't tell you very much about the movie because I would spoil the movie. But I will tell you a little bit: A flight attendant is heading toward an airplane when her X-partner comes by and asks her to come back home with him, She says no so he gets on the plane. That is just about all I can tell you.
So enjoy the movie if/when you watch it.

Roger: We have our clearance Clarance.
Clarance: Roger, Roger. What's our vector Victor?
 Roger(Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.)                         Victor(Back)                                 Clarance(Pilot)


Saturday, March 22, 2014

Conan the Barbarian(R)

OMG they saved so much money on dialogue in this film! I swear, there are only like, ten lines in the hole two hour movie! Anyways, the movie is good because it is so dumb. Another Schwarzenegger film, (I seem to have a lot of those on this blog. Wonder why?) The basic plot is that a young boy named Conan is in his village when it is attacked, after they kill all the men and did various things to the women,(They don't show that in the film, but since it is a barbarian movie I assume that there was some. Who knows.) One of the most important things about the beginning is the sword of Conan's father. Which is forged during the opening credits, is stolen by a wizard barbarian dude,(James Earl Jones) who tests the blade by beheading Conan's mother. Then they take Conan to a work area where he has to push a giant wheel thingy that is made out of wood. After like ten years Conan is the only prisoner alive. They put Schwarzenegger's muscle to good use here. I mean if you had pushing a giant wood thing since you ten then you would be pretty strong, right? So they take him to a gladiator fight thing where he gets his shoulder nearly bitten off. Not surprising that he ends up doing more and wins them all. From here I'll let you watch the movie. Even though there isn't much to spoil, I don't want to tell you more. Please tell me if there is movie or TV show you would like me to review.

Conan: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Iron Man 3(PG-13)

Basically the most crappy movie ever. I was so disappointed after the first two which great they had to make this one which was terrible. The only good parts where the special effects. They where good and that was about it. Since when could you go from Mrk. 6 two Mrk. 42 in two movies?! I should probably stop before I start using foul language. But I have to leave a quote from the movie.

Tony Stark:How many people in the air?
J.A.R.V.I.S.: 13 Sir
Tony Stark: How many can I carry?
J.A.R.V.I.S.: 4 Sir

Iron Man 2(PG-13)

After the first Iron Man movie, they had a lot to live up to. They started with an all star cast:
Robert Downy Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, and Sam Rockwell. After perfecting his suit, Iron Man decides to stabilize all unstable relations with other countries. The news of this finds it's way to a man named Ivan, who revenge on Stark. And so there rivalry starts. Justin Hammer, head of Hammer Industries, has started making weapons for the army. He is not as good as Stark, but since stark has stopped making weapons, he is the only choice. He wants to make Iron Man suits for the army, but Stark refuses to hand out the design. So there starts another rivalry, Stark has his work cut out for him.

I think it's a good movie so I suggest it to anyone who likes Terminator 2:Judgment Day. If you haven't seen Terminator 2, it's basically a very funny action movie.

You wanna be the war machine then fight for it!

Iron Man(PG-13)

Iron Man. Who doesn't know who this super hero is? This movie is one of the best super hero movies ever in my opinion. In the beginning, you see the arrogant Tony Stark, CEO of the largest weapons company in the wold: Stark Industries. While he is being driven back from showcasing one of his new weapons: The Jadeko Missile, his van gets attacked. He manages to escape before the car he was in exploded. He hid behind a and pulls out a radio. But before he can use it, a missile lands beside and gos off. The next moment you see him on the ground with red dots all over his chest. The missile was filled with shrapnel, some of it got into his chest.The next moment he's in a terrorist camp with a electro magnet in his chest. I'm not going to go any farther about the movie because I would spoil it.
So I guess that raps up this review.
Leave a comment if there is a movie you think I should review.

The three suits from the first movie:

Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure(PG)

Who doesn't have a fantasy about traveling back in time bodacious* historical figures? Bill and Ted have spent so much time on there band Wild Stallyns that they are flunking history. Teds dad threatened that if they flunk, he's sending Ted to military school in Alaska, which would mean no more band. So they go out and try to find the answers to all the history questions. When they where asking for answers at a gas station, a most peculiar and bodacious thing happens: A phone appears out of no where. And a man waring sunglasses and an over coat steps and tells them this:
My name is Rufus and I have been sent from the future to help you with your history report.
To which they say:
Do you know when the mongols ruled china?
To which he said:
Why don't you go ask them?
To which ted says:
Should we trust him?
To which bill say:
We have seen many things in our short life. But nothing as bodacious as this.(There's that word again! I can't help using it this much.)
To which Ted says:
I don't trust him.
To which Bill says: Ted, Alaska?   
Then they both get in.
Then they are taken on an Excellent Adventure through time and space.

Party on dudes!

*This epic word means AWESOME!

Thursday, March 20, 2014


Roxanne is a very funny movie starring Steve Martin who we all know and love, as well as Daryl Hannah, who not all of us know. In this film, CD Bales is the head of the local fire department and has one very interesting feature, his incredibly large nose. Everyone who knows him, knows not to talk about or they will get beaten up. When a knew recruit comes to the fire Department, the local girl Roxanne takes a liking to him. When she tries to flirt with him, he gets nervous goes to the bathroom and barfs. This happens a lot. Over and over. So he comes to CD for help. So CD asks him what he would like to do. He said write her a letter. So CD asks him about how he felt when he first saw Roxanne. To witch he replies, horny. So the letter needed a lot of editing. What ends up happening is CD begins writing love letters to Roxanne and that's how it starts.
Over all, good movie. It had me ROFL a few times.

You must love the little birdies a great deal, by giving them this to perch on:

 CD Bales.


Alien is a movie about, well, an alien. In this film, the ship Nostromo receives a distress(?) call from an alien world. Already shaping up, right? According to code of space, if you get a distress call from anywhere, you must investigate it. When they land on the Alien world, they find a strange monument and inside they find several things, one of which, EGGS!!!!!! One of there crew falls into a chamber, once inside, he finds an egg. He finds that there is something moving inside. Then, the egg opens, and a thingy popped out and latched to his face.(I say thingy, because I do not know what else to call it. LOL) When they come back to the ship, Ripley (Sigourney Weaver), says that they cannot come in until there has been a 24 hour decontamination. But they say that he might die in 24 hours. So they let him in. After one day, the thingy is off. So they celebrate by having dinner with him. During dinner, the most famous scene in Alien happens. In the middle of dinner, he begins to squirm. And then, an Alien comes out of his chest. Then runs free through the space ship. They have to kill it. 'Nuf said. I think it's a great movie and I highly suggest it to anyone who enjoys a good thriller.

In space, no one can here you scream!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Terminator 2: Judgment Day

Terminator 2: Judgment Day is the sequel to The Terminator, a very popular starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. Terminator 2, also starring Schwarzenegger, as well as Robert Patrick who plays T-1000 Terminator. The T-1000 Terminator is a more advanced and is made of a liquid metal allow so it can absorb gun shells and awesome stuff like that. The T-1000 Terminator can morph into things that are about it's size because it's made out of liquid metal allow. The Arnold terminator is a less advanced Terminator made out of armor and flesh sent back to protect the now ten year old John Connor. There are some great scenes where both Terminators are fighting each other, both of them are super strong and they can throw each other across rooms and stuff.
Over all, another good movie and it is definitely worth watching.( I personally like this one better than the other one. But you entitled to your own a opinion.)
Please leave a comment on movies that you would like to see reviewed.

John Connor: Your not here to kill me, I figured that out for my self.
The Terminator: I am here to protect you.
John Connor: My own personal Terminator... AWESOME!
 John Connor and the Terminator.

The Terminator Review

Arnold Schwarzenegger is perfectly cast in this film. He is normally very bad at putting emotion into a character, but the terminator has no emotions. In this film, a robotic (cybernetic) killing machine is sent back in time to kill a women named Sarah Connor who is the mother of John Connor who is a hero for the humans after Sky net attacks. He teaches them how to fight the machines, and how to destroy Terminators. Knowing that his mother is attacked by a Terminator, he sends a man back to protect her. Overall, good movie and I highly suggest it to anyone who likes a good action movie. You can't stop him, that's what he does!