Sunday, March 23, 2014


How funny does it get?! AIRPLANE! combines  a sappy love movie with airline disaster. It would have been rated PG-13 if it where made later. It's not bloody or gross at all, just EXTREMELY funny. I can't tell you very much about the movie because I would spoil the movie. But I will tell you a little bit: A flight attendant is heading toward an airplane when her X-partner comes by and asks her to come back home with him, She says no so he gets on the plane. That is just about all I can tell you.
So enjoy the movie if/when you watch it.

Roger: We have our clearance Clarance.
Clarance: Roger, Roger. What's our vector Victor?
 Roger(Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.)                         Victor(Back)                                 Clarance(Pilot)


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