Friday, March 21, 2014

Iron Man(PG-13)

Iron Man. Who doesn't know who this super hero is? This movie is one of the best super hero movies ever in my opinion. In the beginning, you see the arrogant Tony Stark, CEO of the largest weapons company in the wold: Stark Industries. While he is being driven back from showcasing one of his new weapons: The Jadeko Missile, his van gets attacked. He manages to escape before the car he was in exploded. He hid behind a and pulls out a radio. But before he can use it, a missile lands beside and gos off. The next moment you see him on the ground with red dots all over his chest. The missile was filled with shrapnel, some of it got into his chest.The next moment he's in a terrorist camp with a electro magnet in his chest. I'm not going to go any farther about the movie because I would spoil it.
So I guess that raps up this review.
Leave a comment if there is a movie you think I should review.

The three suits from the first movie:

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