Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Day of the Doctor(TV Movie)

Is there anyone reading this post who likes Doctor Who? If you do, then this is the perfect movie for you! If you do not like Doctor Who, then stop reading right here. Go watch Doctor Who Tv Series first. Anyway, this was a movie made to celebrate 50 years of Doctor Who. They gathered all the Doctor Who Actors they could find(Some of the old ones are dead), and gave three of them a big part.(Those three where Matt Smith(Current Doctor), David Tennant(The Doctor before him), and John Hurt(Who was never a Doctor but the actor they where looking for was dead so they offered the job John Hurt). What ends up happening is all three of them end up in the same p;ace at the same time. This causes some interesting things to happen when they all step into the same T.A.R.D.I.S.
I will not tell you anymore accept that they have to save London from aliens again(That happens a lot in Doctor Who. London is the Tokyo of Doctor Who)

The Doctor(Matt Smith): One of them is a Zygon eh?
The Doctor(David Tennant): Yes.
The Doctor(Matt Smith): I won't judge you.

Matt Smith(Below)                                                                   David Tennant(Below)

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