Monday, November 24, 2014

Minority Report(PG-13)

Can you imagine a world where all murders where stopped before they could happen? This is the world of Minority Report. Starring our little scientologist Tom Cruise, this very unique film starts with some camera shots of a place called the Pre-Crime division. Where the the precogs( I think that is how I'm supposed to spell it) help stop crime by showing images that will happen in the future. The people at Pre-crime use those images to figure out where the events are going to happen. They then get to the site somehow and stop the crime from happening. They then put the person(s) who where going to commit the murder in something called a halo, that I think puts you into suspended animation. I am not 100% sure of this however, so I will say no more about it. Minority Report is the story of one particular cop who ends getting accused of murder through this system. Since I haven't said this already, it takes place in the year 2054. It has a lot of really great action sequences mixed with plenty of comedy. I would suggest it to any action movie lover. Out of 10 stars, I would give it 9 and a half.

It's at a park!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


My Dad went out to see this movie when it came out because he wanted to see a bad movie. Well, when he came out of the theater, he and his friend Dave where silent. Then, Dave said: "Ya know, that was actually a pretty good movie. They both agreed on that. I had been wanting to see it for a while, and I finally got to. I was surprised, it wasn't cheesy. It was funny, and gory, and violent, but in all, it was a really good movie. But enough talk, on with the plot. A Detroit police officer named Alex Murphy gets one of his arms blown off and a lot of his body shot up bye criminals. He dies. And suddenly he is back in a robotic suit. Most of him is gone, but some of his old self remains, will the memories of his old life come through and stop him from following the regulations? But enough of that, on with the quote!

Dead or alive, your coming with me.
Peter Weller as RoboCop.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Day of the Doctor(TV Movie)

Is there anyone reading this post who likes Doctor Who? If you do, then this is the perfect movie for you! If you do not like Doctor Who, then stop reading right here. Go watch Doctor Who Tv Series first. Anyway, this was a movie made to celebrate 50 years of Doctor Who. They gathered all the Doctor Who Actors they could find(Some of the old ones are dead), and gave three of them a big part.(Those three where Matt Smith(Current Doctor), David Tennant(The Doctor before him), and John Hurt(Who was never a Doctor but the actor they where looking for was dead so they offered the job John Hurt). What ends up happening is all three of them end up in the same p;ace at the same time. This causes some interesting things to happen when they all step into the same T.A.R.D.I.S.
I will not tell you anymore accept that they have to save London from aliens again(That happens a lot in Doctor Who. London is the Tokyo of Doctor Who)

The Doctor(Matt Smith): One of them is a Zygon eh?
The Doctor(David Tennant): Yes.
The Doctor(Matt Smith): I won't judge you.

Matt Smith(Below)                                                                   David Tennant(Below)

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Pacific Rim(PG-13)

Who doesn't like an overly produced bad(but still enjoyable!) Sci-Fi movie? Ok, a lot people. But anyway, Pacific Rim is film about giant Sea Monster called Kaiju, and giant robots called Jagers(Kaiju is Japenese for Sea Monster and Jager is German for hunter. No surprise there). Anyway, the Kaiju came out of the Pacific ocean and began attacking towns on the pacific rim(Hence the name Pacific Rim). Humans needed a better weapon to fight the Kaiju, the started the Jager program. The neural lode of controlling a Jager with one person(They are controlled through a  system in which your brsin is connected to the mechanical parts directly.) would cause Ebola on speed. They did not want that whenever they went out to fight the giant ocean beasts(Also know as Kaiju) so they created a system where two people could control them together. But when the Jager program was canceled, how are the humans going to defend themselves?
And now; For the picture!

A Jager not doing so well...

Thursday, May 15, 2014


Have you read any of the original Ian Flemming James Bond books? If you haven't at least heard of them, then you will nor enjoy this movie. James Bond seams much more real in this film, he has an alcohol problem. Yet, he still manages to do all the stuff he does. He get's beaten up more, he isn't a crack shot, he doesn't incredible luck with the ladies, he doesn't always win. This I would have to say is my favorite James Bond movie I have ever seen because of those things. I could go into excruciating detail about the sheer awesomeness of this movie but I don't want to waste your time (More then I already have). So on with the quote!

M:Orphans always make the best recruits.

Quantom of Solace(PG-13)(007)

What the heck happened in this movie?! After watching the entire two hour film, I still don't know what the plot was. All there are in this movie are some good assorted chase scenes. That's all. So there isn't going to all that much to this review. I'm going to try to explain what happened in this film:
BOAT CHASE!!!!!!!*

That pretty much somes it up. If you like what is listed above(Which I personally do), then this will be your next favorite movie.

*These scenes do not happen in that order.

I <3 explosions!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Casino Royale(PG-13)(007)

Ah, James Bond. Casino Royale is the first of the James Bond films Daniel Craig, who in my opinion
the best James Bond so far. When the young James Bond becomes 007, he decides to track a bomb maker and ends up killing a bunch of people. Oops. M wasn't so happy about that so before he did that again, she gives him a mission. He goes to a nice beach, kicks some butt, and plays cards. He is sent to the Casino Royale, where M found out that there was going to be a large poker tournament. When I say large, I mean the bets when past $1,000,000. I know I wouldn't play with that much at stake for two reasons: I suck at poker, and I don't have the money. M also found out that there was a Terrorist organization that was running out of money, and the only way they could continue to exist was to win the poker tournament. So M tells Bond that he is to enter the tournament and win. If he doesn't, they would be directly funding Terrorism. I think M wanted Bond to have mission where he won't kill anyone unless he absolutely has to. Which he does, of course, end up having to do. I have one warning though, there is a brief seen of torture. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Good movie aside from that(How was the play aside from that Mrs. Lincoln?).
 Jame Bond: I thought that taking out one bomb maker would be a good first mission.
M: One bomb maker Bond? It was a more like one bomb maker three hundred guards!

James Bond( Daniel Craig).