Wednesday, July 23, 2014


My Dad went out to see this movie when it came out because he wanted to see a bad movie. Well, when he came out of the theater, he and his friend Dave where silent. Then, Dave said: "Ya know, that was actually a pretty good movie. They both agreed on that. I had been wanting to see it for a while, and I finally got to. I was surprised, it wasn't cheesy. It was funny, and gory, and violent, but in all, it was a really good movie. But enough talk, on with the plot. A Detroit police officer named Alex Murphy gets one of his arms blown off and a lot of his body shot up bye criminals. He dies. And suddenly he is back in a robotic suit. Most of him is gone, but some of his old self remains, will the memories of his old life come through and stop him from following the regulations? But enough of that, on with the quote!

Dead or alive, your coming with me.
Peter Weller as RoboCop.