Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Casino Royale(PG-13)(007)

Ah, James Bond. Casino Royale is the first of the James Bond films Daniel Craig, who in my opinion
the best James Bond so far. When the young James Bond becomes 007, he decides to track a bomb maker and ends up killing a bunch of people. Oops. M wasn't so happy about that so before he did that again, she gives him a mission. He goes to a nice beach, kicks some butt, and plays cards. He is sent to the Casino Royale, where M found out that there was going to be a large poker tournament. When I say large, I mean the bets when past $1,000,000. I know I wouldn't play with that much at stake for two reasons: I suck at poker, and I don't have the money. M also found out that there was a Terrorist organization that was running out of money, and the only way they could continue to exist was to win the poker tournament. So M tells Bond that he is to enter the tournament and win. If he doesn't, they would be directly funding Terrorism. I think M wanted Bond to have mission where he won't kill anyone unless he absolutely has to. Which he does, of course, end up having to do. I have one warning though, there is a brief seen of torture. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Good movie aside from that(How was the play aside from that Mrs. Lincoln?).
 Jame Bond: I thought that taking out one bomb maker would be a good first mission.
M: One bomb maker Bond? It was a more like one bomb maker three hundred guards!

James Bond( Daniel Craig).

Monday, April 7, 2014

Blade Runner

Blade Runner is a Cyberpunk movie about a man who goes by Decker(Harrison Ford). Blade Runners are told to seek out Replicants, which are man made humans pardon the pun. They where becoming sentient, realizing that they where slaves. After a bloody mutiny, they had a termination date. They only lived for four years. This would be a problem, if they weren't created as adults. Even that didn't stop the mutiny's. So the use of Replicants forbidden. The remaining Replicants where banished from earth and knowing that would want revenge, the government deployed the Blade Runners, who the right, if they saw a Replicant, to shoot and kill them. Back to Decker, he is called back into service because they needed his expertise. He is reluctant, because he does not like killing. But they threaten him so he comes back into service. They movie is about his adventures. Another good action movie, I suggest it to anyone who likes Cyberpunk.

They don't advertise for killers in the news paper.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The Shawshank Redemption(R)

The Shawshank redemption is the story of two prisoners: Andy Dufresne, and Ellis (Red) Redding. Andy in because he is falsely accused of the murder of his Wife, and Red because they know that he murdered his wife. When Andy(Tim Robbins) first comes to the prison, Red(Morgan Freeman) bets four packs of cigarettes on him.(They where betting on who they would thought would cry first during they night. It's as good a thing as any to bet on when you're in prison, I guess.) That night, Andy didn't make a sound. I read the Stephen King novella, Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption, so I will criticize every little detail that was different. I think it was a good movie. But be warned, there is some very adult material involving the Sisters. Anyone who has been in prison(Or seen this movie for that matter) will know what I am talking about. I suggest this movie to anyone who likes a good prison movie.

There's got to be a con like me in every federal prison. I'm the guy who can get it for you. Tailor made Cigarettes, ...  a bottle of brandy to celebrate your sons or daughters High School graduation. Anything thing within reason that is.
       The word from the book refers to a drug, so I'm not going to reference it.